CSB Explorer Bible for Kids, Hardcover

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CSB Explorer Bible for Kids, Hardcover

The CSB Explorer Bible for Kids helps kids place God’s Word in the middle of God’s world. Within its engaging, full-colour pages, kids will interact with the people, places, and things of the Bible and God’s creation. Fascinating images, illustrations, timelines, and study helps show archeological evidence, introduce key characters, explain new concepts, and help kids experience the wonder and truth of the Bible. QR codes placed throughout the Bible bring educational videos, discussion questions, and activity pages to life, helping kids apply key truths of the Bible to real world experiences. 


  • Book introductions to help kids understand the key truths and takeaways for every book, including the “Who, What, When, Where, and Why” 
  • “Christ in Context” for each book to show how the whole Bible points to Jesus and the good news of the gospel 
  • “Discovering the Truth” callouts to help kids understand the essential truths of the Bible and apply them to their life
  • “Excavating the Past” illustrations and real-world images to help connect the dots between important archaeological discoveries and the Bible
  • “Exploring Creation” facts and images connecting modern-day objects and things in the world today to God and the Bible 
  • “Charting History” illustrated timelines to survey key time periods and events in biblical history 
  • “Character Field Guide” profiles with fun facts and insights about important people in the Bible 
  • “Archiving Discoveries” highlighting key memory verses throughout the Bible
  • “Explorer Glossary” and topical concordance to help with some of the big words found in the Bible
  • QR codes placed throughout the Bible with online videos and activities for home or church 
  • 9.5-point type size that is easy-to-read with words of Jesus in red 
  • Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages 
  • Specially designed presentation page for gift-giving or awards
  • Full-colour maps section to help find places mentioned in the Bible

Part of what makes the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids so special is the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids to study and memorize today—and to live and share for a lifetime.

MSRP: $34.99
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CSB Student Study Bible, Slate Hardcover

The CSB Student Study Bible is designed to help students and young people know and be transformed by God’s Word. The Bible keeps Scripture primary on every page, alongside student-centered resources and tools designed to help you engage and be transformed byˇthe life-changing message of God’s Word. This Bible is the ideal resource for lifelong discipleship.


  • High-quality Smyth-sewn binding that will lie open whether you are reading Genesis 1 or Revelation 22
  • ​Study tools, articles, and commentary placed alongside the corresponding biblical text, including 46 articles/essays, 30 character profiles, 99 “Essential Truths” of the Christian faith, 10 “Know Your Faith Q&A,” and 99 foundational memory verses
  • Full-colour visuals to help you see the structure and context of Scripture come alive, including 32 charts, 28 maps, and 10 illustrations/reconstructions
  • Introductions and outlines for each book, including background information, theological themes, timelines, and insights into the unique contribution of each book
  • Easy-to-read layout with two columns of text, words of Christ in red, and three columns of study notes found at the bottom of each page

The CSB Student Study Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.

MSRP: $34.99
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